Main Voting


Детали подвески и рулевого управления
Nomination 1 from 13
Suspension and steering parts
Choose one nominee
Амортизатор года
Nomination 2 from 13
Shock absorber of the year
Choose one nominee
Пружина амортизатора года
Nomination 3 from 13
Shock absorber spring of the year
Choose one nominee
Тормозные колодки года
Nomination 4 from 13
Brake pads of the year
Choose one nominee
Тормозные диски года
Nomination 5 from 13
Brake discs of the year
Choose one nominee
Приводные ремни года
Nomination 6 from 13
Drive belts of the year
Choose one nominee
Радиатор года
Nomination 7 from 13
Radiator of the Year
Choose one nominee
Аккумулятор года
Nomination 8 from 13
Battery of the Year
Choose one nominee
Автолампы года
Nomination 9 from 13
Car Lamps of the Year
Choose one nominee
Фильтр года
Nomination 10 from 13
Filter of the Year
Choose one nominee
Щетки стеклоочистителей
Nomination 11 from 13
Wiper blades
Choose one nominee
Бренд года в сегменте «Автохимия»
Nomination 12 from 13
Brand of the Year in the "Auto Chemicals" segment
Choose one nominee
Бренд года в сегменте «ГСМ»
Nomination 13 from 13
Brand of the Year in the fuel and lubricants segment
Choose one nominee

Voting completion


Your choice

Suspension and steering parts
Shock absorber of the year
Shock absorber spring of the year
Brake pads of the year
Brake discs of the year
Drive belts of the year
Radiator of the Year
Battery of the Year
Car Lamps of the Year
Filter of the Year
Wiper blades
Brand of the Year in the "Auto Chemicals" segment
Brand of the Year in the fuel and lubricants segment